

Pre-Night Out Survival Kit

Shaloch Manos time is upon us, and I find myself in a new city wishing I had taken this in hand weeks ago. As it is, this is what I would do, if I had had a little foresight.

Start with a bright paint can, and stick on a hand-scribbled label, like these from Paper Source.

Inside, stuff a few things that are sure to come in handy at the last minute. Try one of those Aquapod water bottles, with the curvy shape
(hydration), an energy bar (nutrition), and some mint gum (distraction). Or, get carried away in the Purim spirit by putting in a miniature bottle of champagne (relaxation), or--better-- those little pink cans of champagne (style AND relaxation). Check kosher status, first, as I haven't responsibly looked into that. Go all the way with a small purse mirror compact (confirmation), a sample of the Yes to Carrots hand cream (yummy sensation) and a silk magnolia for her hair (southern affectation). Print out smoky eye makeup instructions and you can't beat it. She's ready.


Loose Quilted Silk Jacket

Softly tailored and opulently constructed, this is lovely and sunny but sophisticated in color and material. Young and different, confident and careless. Wear with a skirt and flats or with a sheath beneath and black patent heels. Minimal styling/maximum impact.

There's something to being the woman who wears what is good, not what has to be built, layered, pinned, camouflaged, or is, heaven forbid, synthetic.


On Thursday night I saw the Boston Ballet's newly choreographed Next Generation. It was a total departure from the classic ballets I've seen for years, with edgier music with prominent rhythm paired with contemporary dance styles. Sometimes there was robotic movement, sometimes beautiful, Schubert-shmeared couples acting out emotion in clean, autumn-colored costumes. There were men in white dancing on white strips of light, and women in gray costumes with dark red underskirts. The last piece was all in blue with sparkling blue sequin crowns and watery, magical music.
Watching pieces choreographed by young women and executed with incredible technical skill gives wonderful insight into oneself. Each movement was just beautiful, something that-- I feel-- is bound to rub off.


Uptown Frum breaks for the weekend in respect and mourning for the eight students murdered in Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva.


It's no longer the season for glaring plastic or clunky wooden beads. Bohemian chic is out; Soft, stylized femininity is in.

60* in Boston today, and feeling good.


When my sisters and I were little we wore short white socks with lacy trim, and sometimes white knit knee socks with holes cut out. These went perfectly with our puffy dresses and white Shabbos sweaters. Here's an updated, fun, "yes, truly, I am this confident and sweetly cool" way to wear a very old favorite.

Also, who wouldn't want this photo on their bedroom wall or closet door?


Cool, graphic, painterly. Slide it into a frame, wrap in brown paper, and it's the ultimate hostess gift for the cool friends who always have you over.
