
Snow & Graham 2008 Wall Calendar

One page per month with hand-mixed inks.
Knew you'd like it.

De Angeli Scarf

This is stunning, and the first really convincing reason not to wear your old production sweatshirt out to the succah.
Instead put this merino wool scarf slash capelet over your three quarter length sleeve t shirt or, my favorite, over a textured sweater, throw on some bracelets, and look festive out there. That'll be a nice change.



AK Anne Klein Flared Skirt

I'm pretty sure this is the perfect black skirt. Universally flattering A-line, acceptably tznius across the board, and incredibly versatile.
Think of it with a striped turtleneck and a fitted green denim jacket. Or a little pink sweater and diamond studs. Or with a crisp white shirt and red shoes.
If all short black skirts looked like this, seminary would be a better place.

August at Home

{Click to enlarge!}

When we get home from the beach we hang all of the dripping bathing suits, t shirts, skirts, tops, and towels from the laundry line in the basement.

"The Laundry Line is Full in Late Summer" is perfect because that's exactly how August is. The laundry line is weighed down almost to the floor and everyone's hoping to swim just one more time.



Round Blues Pencil Pendant

Ironic how this back-to-school-worthy handmade pencil pendant can remind you so much of summer.
